Archive for September, 2016

Pierre-Joseph Redouté [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Pierre-Joseph Redouté [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Thankfully, it has a happy ending.  Radio talk-show host, Joe Pags, was able to bring home his missing teenage daughter last weekend.  He said she is safe and looks healthy.  He also said he has to rethink his parental role and he feels “an utter failure as a father right now”.

After this experience, he will do more to help other families in the same situation.  On his radio broadcasts, he will bring more attention to missing children and will partner with the appropriate organizations to do that.

I missed most of this because of the long holiday weekend.  Last week, he’d mentioned on his show that he had a problem with his daughter and he sounded worried over it but he couldn’t say anything more about it.  What I didn’t know was that she was missing.  He was able to speak out publicly on his Friday show.  His daughter was found safe on Saturday, thanks to all of the help provided by those who heard his pleas on the radio.

Here are some articles about what happened:


This is how it played out on his Facebook page.  I can’t see the page with the Facebook blocking mechanism, but if you are able to then look for September 3rd as the date he announced his daughter had been found.


According to the articles, this happened on Wednesday, August 31st.  He first talked openly about it on Friday, September 2nd.  I’d heard him mention something about a problem with his daughter on Wednesday and Thursday.  Here’s where you can listen to podcasts of his shows:

(you don’t need Flash installed for the site):